Hiram E. Leonard Diary, September 5 - 11, 1872
“5th Thursday A verry hot day the thurmometer has ranged from 90 to 96 degrees above zero about every day in this week I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ verry hot weather.
“6th Friday fine & verry hot weather for Sept I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 and went to bed at about 9 ½ nearly sick.
“7th Saturday a verry hot day and a tremendious hard thunder shower all night began to thunder about 9 & thundered & lightoned & rained till about daylight the wind blew pretty hard for a while & the rain beet into the house pretty bad I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ about sick with the summer complaint was up all night [in margin] a tremendious thunder shower tonight it lasted till about 4 oclock in the morning & lightoned all night I was sick & up all night.
“8th Sunday A pretty fine hot day but some cloudy & muddy in the morning I did my choars & went to bed sick was abed a most all day I went to bed about 9 about sick & verry week Mr Curtis Jane Warrens husband died today in a fit of the apoplax in the insane asylum in Connecticut.
Jane Warren & husband Nathaniel Curtiss
“9th Monday fine cloudy weather & cool I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed at about 9 ½ nearly sick Fair commenced at Aurora.
“10th Tuesday cool & some cloudy weather I did my choars choared round all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick.
“11th Wednesday A fine pleasant day but cool morning I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 nearly sick Caroline went to Naperville.”