Hiram E. Leonard Diary, January 27 - February 2, 1875

27th Wednesday  cold dry winter weather  I did my choars was at the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 nearly sick with the rheumatism & a cold.

28th Thursday  fine cold winter weather better wagoning than sleighing  I did my choars was at the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 about sick.

29th Friday  A cold winter day & dry  I did my choars was at the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 nearly sick with the rheumatism & a cold.

30th Saturday  A cold winter snowey day  snow fell a couple of inches & cleared off cold at night  I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 with the rheumatism & a bad cold.

31st Sunday  A cold pleasant morning & day snow how blowed in heaps, I did my choars was round home the most of the day went to Kenyons & got some oats folks went to meeting in afternoon & evening, we went to bed between 9 & 10 about sick  Folks went to meeting & consert in evening.

February 1st Monday  fine cold winter weather  I did my choars was at the office all day closed up at 8 and went to bed at 9 nearly sick with a cold and the rheumatism. 

2nd Tuesday  not verry cold but cloudy rained some & snowed some cleared off with a high wind & a terable gale & cold  I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 nearly sick with the rheumatism & a cold etc.”