Hiram E. Leonard Diary, December 26, 1872 - January 1, 1873
“26th Thursday cold winter weather quite good sleighing I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick with a cold Mrs Sam McKellips died today about 11 oclock this forenoon.
“27th Friday fine winter weather & a little more mild I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 ½ sick with a cold.
“28th Saturday A fine cool winter day I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick with a cold Johnathon Pollards second wife [Eunice Jackson Pollard] died at Leland Station today about 6 oclock this morning & Mr Pollard & Clarks folks came home with her about 4 oclock.
“29th Sunday A fine pleasant day & good sleighing I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 nearly sick with a cold Mrs McKellips was buried today, the funeral was at the Methodist Church today Elder Adams preached the sermon.
The Warrenville Methodist Church, built in 1858, now the home of the Warrenville Museum.
“30th Monday fine winter weather I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 oclock & went to bed at 9 ½ sick with a cold Mrs Jon Pollard wife was buried today at one oclock Elder Potter preached the sermon J. K Pollard & wife & Jerome were out.
“31st Tuesday fine winter weather I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick with a cold.
“January 1st Wednesday, 1873 fine weather for winter I did my choars choared round some closed up at 8 and went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick.”