Hiram E. Leonard, February 10 - 16, 1870
“10th Thursday fine winter weather but cool I did my choars was at the office all day came home at 8 ½ & went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick & worne out with trouble & forteague.
“11th Friday fine cold winter weather for Feb, I did my choars was at the office all day came home at 8 ½ & went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick & worne out.
“12th Saturday A pretty cold day for Feb I did my choars was at the office all day came home about 8 ½ went to Staffords & got a pair of boots & got home about 9 & went to bed about 10 tiard & nearly sick & worne out Henry McFerren died this morning at his wives fathers, Mr Wrights north east of Winfield.
Warrenville’s industries in the late 1800s, as seen facing northwest, looking up the DuPage River from today’s Warrenville Road - the gristmill, Stafford’s tannery (where Hiram bought his boots) and the creamery
“13th Sunday A cold cloudy day rough I did my choars was round home a choaring the most of the day went to the office in the evening came back & went to bed at about 9 nearly sick, Methodist Quarterly Meeting today Caroline went in evening, Wallis dog Shaker Boy killed or carried off.
“14th Monday rather muddy but fine for the season I did my choars was at the office all day came home at 8 ½ & went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick & worne out Henry McFerren was buried about one oclock up by Graveses the funeral was up to the school house where Wright lived.
“15th Tuesday rather fine for winter I did my choars was at the office all day came home at 8 ½ & went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick etc.
“16th Wednesday Pretty fine weather I did my choars was at the office all day came home at 8 ½ & went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick.”