12th Annual Cemetery Walk Honors Warrenville Educators
The Warrenville Historical Society is happy to announce “Dead Men Talking - And Some Women Too – XII,” which will be held on Sunday, October 20, 2019. The outdoor 45 minute tours will start every 15 minutes beginning at 6:00p.m. with the last tour at 7:30p.m. Tours are given on a first come first serve basis. For those not wishing to walk through the cemetery, a presentation by the interpreters will be given at 5:00p.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church.
Warrenville Cemetery, Warrenville Road
During this year’s event, presentations will focus on those in the education community. Join us for this evening as we transport you through time hearing the stories of former Warrenville residents.
Seraph Warren Holmes, Warrenville’s first teacher
Cemetery tours begin at the Warrenville Cemetery, located on the north side of Warrenville road between Curtis and Warren, Warrenville, Illinois. Luminaries will light the way to lantern-lit gravesites where histories that shaped our community will be told. Tour admission is free but donations will be accepted and are appreciated. All donations benefit the Warrenville Historical Society. Parking is available at Trinity Lutheran Church located at the N/W corner of Curtis and Warrenville Rds. Refreshments will be served at Trinity Lutheran Church after the tours.