Hiram E. Leonard Diary, February 26 - March 3, 1874
“26th Thursday fine weather & some muddy I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 10 nearly sick with a cold Caroline went to prayer meeting and got home ¼ before 10 Seth Wescott died today or tonight.
“27th Friday fine weather & some muddy I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick with a cold Alfonzo Gould came here this afternoon about 4 ½ & stayed all night.
“28th Saturday A cloudy damp day & rained in evening I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick Jonathan Mack died this morning of Tifus fever & 2 more boys are verry sick.
“March 1st Sunday A damp cloudy muddy disagreeable day I did my choars was round home all day choared some & wrote some, all of us at home all day went to bed about 9 nearly sick with cold Seth Westcott was buried today.
“2nd Monday fine weather but muddy roads I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed about 10 nearly sick Jonathan Mack was buried today people met at the house at 12 & come by about 2 PM.
Jonathan Mack’s grave at the Warrenville Cemetery
“3rd Tuesday damp muddy weather I did my choars was round the house all day closed up at & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick with a cold John Stafford started for Cleveland Ohio.”