Hiram E. Leonard Diary, February 12 - 18, 1874
“12th Thursday rather a cloudy day but pretty fine I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at about 10 nearly worne out & sick with a cold Dr B Coon funeral was today at 10 oclock at St Charles Folks went to meeting night George Mack was buried today without funeral sermon they met at the house at 2 oclock PM had a prayer & then went to the grave rained hard in evening & washed a gully in my yard.
George Mack grave in the Warrenville Cemetery
“13th Friday pretty fine mild weather but muddy I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick with a cold & worne out with trouble.
“14th Saturday A pleasant day but a cool air & muddy I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 and went to bed at about 10 nearly sick & worne out with trouble Caroline & Walla went to Sherwins to prayer meeting & got home about ¼ before 10 Hurbat Beardsly came & brought up old Mrs Rogers & Jane Baly.
“15th Sunday A cloudy muddy day & looks some like a storm I did my choars was round home all day about sick with a cold & being up a nights etc folks went to meeting went to bed about 10 nearly sick with a cold.
“16th Monday fine winter weather but muddy I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed about 9 ½ nearly sick George Sidwell came today.
“17th Tuesday fine winter weather & muddy I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 ½ nearly sick with a cold.
“18th Wednesday fine winter weather I did my choars was round the office all day closed up at 8 & went to bed at 9 ½ & went to bed at nearly sick G Sidwell went to Wm Carpenters today.”